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Valentines Day is about celebrating LOVE, so why not celebrate loving yourself? The relationship you have with yourself is a life-long relationship and the most important relationship of your life. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.

Let’s dedicate this day, this month to nurturing yourself, loving yourself, and feeling at peace with whatever situation you’re in at the moment. Allow self-love to be your super power.

These daily self-care tips will help feed your soul:

1. Meditate or practice Yoga with intention

2. Hang out with friends that make you deep belly laugh

3. Choose your favorite book, a cup of tea, a soft blanket and a cozy nook to nestle into

4. Make something you love for dinner and sit down and eat it without distractions

5. Take a social media break even just for a day

6. Do something that makes you SMILE

7. Write down something that your grateful for

8. Do something that helps you destress like organizing a closet or drawer

9. Get outside and feel the sunshine on your face

10. Write positive affirmations on your bathroom mirror and say them out loud before you leave for the day while looking at yourself

You are worth it!

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