class descriptions

Vinyasa 1 & 2
heated and non heated
Vinyasa is a faster paced style of yoga. Enjoy gaining strength and flexibility while you twist, invert, and play in arm balances. We have heated and non-heated vinyasa classes, at either level 1 or 2 for you.

Heated sequence
Sanara has its own sequence created by our very own talented teachers. Expect to sweat in a heated room, and move through a series of 26 poses combining hatha and vinyasa.

Vinyasa Flow
Burning enthusiasm is the feeling evoked in this creative flow class. Focus on repetition, strength, and cardio while cultivating new levels of self-discipline and accomplishment. High energy intensity for beginner to moderate fitness level with modifications offered.

Hatha classes are typically a slower paced class with attention to individual poses, alignment, and mindfulness, to builds both strength in the body as well as calmness and stillness in the mind. Our hatha teachers bring their own vision and energy to class. Expect variety in teaching styles within the format.

Yin is a healing yoga class focusing on the deep connective tissues. A Yin yoga class usually consists of a series of long-held, passive floor poses that mainly work the lower part of the body – the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. The poses are held for up to five minutes. Expect to challenge your body with deep stretches while you still the mind and have a meditative experience.

Yin and Restorative
This class will combine a Yin practice, and Restorative yoga - where you will place your body in comfortable and fully supported postures, so your nervous system can fully open and relax. We have bolsters, blankets, blocks to support your spine as you deeply relax and release for about 8-10 minutes per posture.

Yin and Guided Meditation
We practice Yin for the first 30-40 minutes of class, then move into the hammocks for a guided meditation (nidra). You are welcome to stay on your mat if you prefer. This is an evening class, so come in to wind down from your day and deeply relax.

Zen and Sound
taught by Marianna and Lea Anne
Zen and Sound is a class that uses bowls to accentuate the class. Lea Anne teaches a gentle stretch class, then follows with a sound meditation. Marianna teaches a gentle Yin and plays the bowls throughout the class. Both classes encourage mindfulness and deep relaxation.

taught by Kim C, Manny, & Billie
Sculpt is a class that incorporates hand weights and high-intensity cardio bursts for a maximum calorie-burning effect. Each sculpt teachers brings in their own style of fitness and expertise.

This is a fun and energizing class. Jaimie is a yoga teacher and dance instructor. She combines her love and of dance and yoga to blend into a fun, and strengthening class. This is a music centric class where you can let your hair down. Lights are off, students face away from the mirror and the class is not recorded. Be you!

Mat Pilates
Join Janie, a local superstar, to focus on strengthening and lengthening your core (trunk) muscles, arms and legs. Janie is clear in her instructions and will get your core feeling strong.

Tai Chi
This Chinese martial art is a perfect meditative practice. Join Georgeanne for this ancient practice while you grow with our community.

Let's Talk Wellness
Laura will host a discussion on how to build resiliency from stress.